Sunday, August 16, 2009

Almost the end...

Hey all,

So, things are just ducky down at the Port. Been very busy, and finding myself using lots of event management material in my day to day doings. This week we also had the Snowbirds performing on Wednesday. Our large breakwater, or VVP (Visiting Vessel Peir) was home base for both their radio operations as well as their announcer. They flew for 55 minutes almost, and I was actually out on the VVP keeping people from going down onto the peir. It was closed and gated, so I was able to actually sit and watch the planes fly for the whole show, and it was awesome. No matter how professional they are, a person can't help but cringe a little bit knowing how close they pass each other going 1000 km/h. An awesome show nonetheless, with crowd estimations at around 18-20,000 people coming down to the harbour to watch. I think that Matt and I had almost the best seats in the house, next to our boat crew, who were actually out on the water watching for vessels who were ignoring the harbour closure. Another good week, plus the surf was up this week, and I was Ukee bound on my days off! Gotta love it! See ya.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Couple weeks to go...

It is mid-August, and summer is almost over. Work has been busy, and the promise of rougher weather is bringing people into shelter which means that I have to get wet! Had an exciting Friday. I was working on the Harbour Patrol boat, and we had to take RCMP to Newcastle Island to do a patrol. On the way across to the island one of the cops asked us to circle back around past a boat. WE did, and the cops ended up confiscating a large amount of marijuana from a guy's boat. I never though that I would ever be the guy operating the vehicle in a police drug bust. Otherwise the Port hasn't had to much weird stuff this week, just one drug bust. Stay dry!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Another week gone, and summer is quickly running out! It is already August, and I feel like I am just getting some summer stuff in now. The weather has been ridiculously nice, so there has been a huge amount of boats on the water. Work as been excellent, we have been smoking busy, and never getting dull. Th day-to-day tasks are becoming things that just happen, without much thought. This leaves room for all of our random police incidents and other community issues that can exist in the downtown. It has been good, e are still packed to capacity every night and have had to turn away a few boats who we just did not have any space for. I have worked on Cameron Island a few times, and it is a nice change. Quieter in a sense, but when it gets busy, you are absolutely running. We are having a couple new people start, and we had a guy from the same crew I work on leave or be asked to leave, I try to ignore all the other stuff and gossip that happens. New people will be good. Otherwise I have been hiking, camping and boating which is awesome. See you guys soon!