Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week three ya'll!

Boat Show! This week was really busy, full of things to do, and was punctuated by the 5th annual Floating Boat Show on the weekend. The Boat Show was really good, tons of people came down and checked it out, the weather was awesome, and VIU’s culinary department was cooking up some delicious seafood. The boat show was interesting to say the least. I spent most of the weekend selling tickets at for the boat down by Protection Island/Dinghy Dock ferry. No matter how many signs we put up, people still managed to walk past them all, and then be totally mad that they had to spend 3 dollars to come onto the docks for one weekend out of the year. Despite how miserable people could be through the weekend it was very enjoyable. Too much time in sun has given me an awesome case of heat stroke or sunstroke or something like that. See you guys next week!

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