Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 6!

Oh my goodness, it’s been 6 weeks! Things are really starting to pick up at the Port, and it is really making time fly. We have been getting busier every day, and certain times are really hopping! To the south of Nanaimo’s harbour is a very narrow channel called Dodd’s Narrows and it is one of the more treacherous passages on the inside of Southern Vancouver Island. Most boaters decide to wait until “slack tide” (boat talk for the time between ebb and flow, or when the tide isn’t changing), and this generally means that about 40- 50 minutes after slack we have a rush of boats; anywhere from 2-10 boats showing up within minutes of each other. It is a really fun time because we are on the verge of running on the docks to tie up gigantic, $100,000.00+ boats as fast as possible. When we are on a Dodd’s run, two hours can be over in what feels like minutes. Things are definitely getting exciting, plus I get to see some of you guys sometimes which is just an added bonus! See you in a week!


  1. Howdy Cody

    Enjoying the heat at the harbour.


  2. Hey Cody,

    I think your Co-op suits you well, and though I haven't met with your supervisor yet, I'll bet they agree.

    Your blog is coming along, add some photos though we want to 'see' you and what your environment looks like.

    I'm coming to chat with you soon.

    Cheerio, Micki
