Monday, June 1, 2009

Week two!

Week two is well under way. Weather is fantastic, blowing a slight sou’easter. Nautical themes have been infiltrating my daily life very subtly. Week two has been good. I am on day 5, and tomorrow will be the sixth day of the week! We are gearing up for our annual floating boat and marine trade show, which should be quite awesome. Also next weekend we are hosting the Van Isle 360, so it should be full-on. Work has been really good, and I am able to do all sorts of different things everyday. I spent a few hours on both Saturday and Sunday out with a fellow Tourism student, Jordan, canvassing the downtown with posters for our boat show. Overall a good week, plus we had a lovely seal come and visit us early in the week to entertain us for the a while one morning. See you all in week three!

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